Saturday, November 20, 2010

Truffles...and Triage.

Jessica and I thought that it would be fitting for our first post of "Truffles and Triage" to be about, well, truffles. Before we get to the truffles, though, let's talk a little about us. Just a little. Not too much. We are currently finishing up our first semester of nursing school (hence "triage") and have found that an outlet for stress is much needed. We both decided that outlet is reading cooking/baking blogs and cooking/baking the things that look appealing to our eyes (and stomachs). We hope you enjoy reading about this crazy time in our lives!

And now onto truffles. We made them today. It was an absolutely insane week at school and we felt we needed a little dose of the thing that cures everything, chocolate. We got our recipe from one of our favorite blogs, The Pioneer Woman, here. I'll spare you the details, we did exactly what the recipe said and they turned out as planned...just a little messy. And by a little I mean a lot.
Mmmmmm. The salt freaked my brother out a little so I made half of them without it. I'd say it was a good first try.